The accident that is you
From Cooks pure luck and greed
Set a course of degradation
For the people that are me
I scream for my Te Reo
I rage for my Tikanga
I stir the loss of Birthrite
that is my Mokopuna
Take this life of mine
Hang it in a tree
Search the frames of time
Finding images of me
What is it that you see?
Awake but sound asleep
Let me out of here
Blood desperate to be free
Your prejudice
Your rage your hate
Burned hot your iron will
As repeatedly you punish
Forcing me to be still
But vibrations tremor through my bones
The song of gulping air
Rising up from our collective lungs
It is you who should be aware
Sharon Nuku 05-06-2021
When the lonely moments visit
Bring your memories forward
Make them stand in front of you
Let them applaud you
Every memory will answer your call
To let you know
They are here
Because you were there
Sharon Nuku 02-04-2021